Emma Stewart
Emma joined the US Coast Guard right out of high school, and after the end of her 4-year enlistment, she was able to explore the entire Country by van with her dog Fred. Getting to ski, run, and hike together every day was a dream for Emma! It was also a very nice time to give herself to decompress from her enlistment.
After a few years on the road, she found her way to college and completed a degree in Architecture. While not working in the Architectural industry now, art and design and making things will always be important to her. Fun fact: Emma is currently making a video game! While she was completing her degree, she met Van and Amanda at a dog park and they told her about Operation Surf. Emma joined with in the very next OS6, in 2021. After completing OS6, Emma continued to be apart of Operation Surf through her commitment as one of the Veteran Leads of OS3 2023. Emma is currently nestled in the cozy beach town of Grover Beach with partner, Jean, dogs Stewart and Fred, cats Mitten and Mykey, and chicken named Chicken!