Operation Surf

If they are dreaming of the waves tomorrow, they won’t take their life today.
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Our Mission

Our mission is to channel the healing powers of the ocean to restore hope, renew purpose, and revitalize community.

Operation Surf’s curriculum-based programs aim to inspire injured military and veterans to seek wellness in all aspects of their lives while providing the necessary resources, tools, and peer-to-peer support to continue this mindset indefinitely.

By staying true to our core values of care, inclusion, commitment, integrity, and communication; we change participants’ lives – one wave at a time.

Why We Do It

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other traumas can have a lasting and detrimental impact on the human body. Rates of PTSD, suicide, and other lingering effects among military veterans are so alarming that the matter has been classified as a National Health Crisis by the VA and CDC.

An estimated 1 in 3 veterans are diagnosed with PTSD.

Less than 40% seek help.

22 veterans commit suicide daily.

Surfing is strength and confidence

Surfing is hope and inspiration

Surfing is healing for the soul

Surfing is a form of healing that promotes wellness through nature-based therapy.

Our Impact

Dr. Russell Crawford’s book, “The Impact of Ocean Therapy on Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder,” suggests that surf therapy offers an alternative form of nature-based therapy that could potentially be effective for treating veterans with PTSD.

His research on the Operation Surf program showed that participants experienced:


A 36% decrease in PTSD symptoms


A 47% decrease in depression


A 68% increase in self-efficacy


“Operation Surf has literally helped change my outlook on life. It has given me the tools to live better. To truly feel again and live my life.” 
Chris E.

Operation Surf Participant

“Most guys consider their ‘Alive Day’ the day they were blown up. For me, my Alive day was when I came to Operation Surf. I found out who I was there. I realized I am not disabled, just differently able. All of us. Just differently able.”
Martin P.

Operation Surf Participant

“I feel like, for the first time in a long time that I am the most emotionally and mentally equipped to deal with things. Because of surfing and because of the community I have now.”
Ash L.

OS6 Participant

Find Your Community

Experience the healing powers of the ocean to restore hope, renew purpose, and revitalize community.  

Own the Outcome

The life-changing programs of Operation Surf are made possible by contributions from people just like you.