About the Program
Our C.A.R.E. Program was developed during COVID-19 after facing suicide attempts and psychotic breakdowns within our community. We immediately implemented a strategic working group solely focused on handling these situations and finding resources to help.
Our C.A.R.E. Program offers a comprehensive roadmap to approaching veterans in critical need. The acronym stands for:

Staying connected with our community allows us to recognize healthy behaviors and maintain a supportive community.

When we see something, we say something. Following the different paths of assessment and recognizing unhealthy behaviors, we can identify the need for additional support.

Once a need for additional support is identified, we bring in resources and walk the individual in need directly to care.

We follow up and encourage them to utilize the resources or see if there is an additional need. Then return to Community to continue to stay connected.

Veteran Surf Alliance
Veteran Surf Alliance connects military veterans to share the gift of surfing. The Veteran Surf Alliance is a community of military veterans based out of Santa Cruz, Pacifica, and Pismo, California, who meet weekly to share the stoke of surfing.
Bombs and Barrels
The Bombs & Barrels Podcast is hosted by Lance Iunker, a combat-wounded veteran, surfer, small business owner, speaker, writer, and Operation Surf alumni. The Bombs & Barrels Podcast is a direct response to Lance’s life being changed forever by surfing and the ocean. Come on this incredible journey to find stoke as Bombs & Barrels explores the inspiring stories of veterans and surfers who have been transformed through the power of surfing and the ocean.
One More Wave
One More Wave’s mission is to provide wounded and disabled veterans with customized surfing equipment and community. By equipping the veteran and guiding them to their global community of surfing volunteers, One More Wave enables the veterans to achieve surf therapy all over the world.

Operation Healing Forces
The mission of Operation Healing Forces (OHF) is to serve the needs of our active-duty and recent-veteran wounded, ill, and injured Special Operations Forces (SOF) and their spouses by starting or continuing the process of mentally, physically, and emotionally healing in preparation to return to the fight or transition successfully into civilian life.

Semper Fi Fund
Semper Fi Fund is dedicated to providing immediate financial assistance and lifetime support to combat wounded, critically ill, and catastrophically injured members of all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces and their families. Semper Fi delivers the resources veterans need during recovery and transition back to their communities, working to ensure no one is left behind.
Wild Warrior Adventure
Wild Warrior Adventure (WWA) exists to encourage those who have served / continue to serve in the U.S. Armed Forces, have risked their lives to defend our freedom and have sustained wounds, including the invisible wounds of combat operational stress injuries, and the stress of the rigors of military service. We serve our Warriors and their families through providing spiritual outdoor, fly fishing adventures in exceptional environments, away from the distractions of daily life, to find freedom from bondage, to build emotional and spiritual resiliency, and to lead healthy, God-centered lives.
National Vet Center Call Center
Call 1-877-927-8387
Veterans and Military Crisis Line
Call 1-800-273-8255, Press 1 for Veteran
To Instant Message or Chat https://www.veteranscrisisline.net
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Call 1-800-273-8255
To Instant Message or Chat https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/chat
The National Crisis Text Line
Text ‘HOME’ to 741741
Alcoholics Anonymous
Call 1-866-412-3167
Narcotics Anonymous
Call 1-818-773-9999
Program Testimonials
"Operation Surf was refreshing and fun! Of course, it was really great to learn to surf, but OS is so much more than just surfing. Never having surfed before and not being very comfortable in the ocean, I was forced to get out of my own way and trust the process. Being able to accomplish something I thought I wouldn't be able to do was very rewarding, and it ignited a fire in me that I had let go dim. I feel rejuvenated and self-confident again. I look forward to trying new things, going on more adventures, and enjoying the sport of surfing for many years to come."
"The fact that I was able to completely disconnect from work and fully submerge myself in the experience without any obligations opened up many doors for relaxation, resetting, refocusing, rebuilding, bonding, and both personal and relational healing. We were both struggling individually and as a couple prior to this trip. The professionalism, relatability, enthusiasm, excitement, openness, and care that every single member of Operation Surf displayed towards us and one another was contagious. They helped us find our individual selves again and helped save our marriage."
"Operation Surf was hands-down the greatest trip that I have ever been on. We travel the world for our jobs and get to see and do things that most people can only dream of, but that’s often filled with guilt while my wife is left juggling her own work, the kids, and everything else life throws at her. We spend a substantial amount of time away from each other with all of the trips, training, and deployments. Getting to share this experience with my wife by my side and finding a new, exciting activity that we both immediately fell in love with truly made this a trip of a lifetime."